On August 30, 2005 the County purchased the 7-acre Berard parcel, and on September 7, 2005 the County purchased the 50-acre Heater and 25-acre Hiett parcels. More recently, the County purchased the Pacheco properties on December 13, 2005, and the Hyntington property on January 26, 2006. All five properties are part of a series of acquisitions in the Tucson Mountain Park South Corridor project area located at the southern end of the Tucson Mountains, south of Ajo Highway and west of Mission Road. Acquisition of these properties will: (1) protect this scenic gateway into metro Tucson containing saguaro-studded hillsides characteristic of the Tucson Mountains and visible from considerable distances; (2) expand Tucson Mountain Park and link existing County holdings; and (3) provide new recreational trails and public access in this area.
Date Acquired: January 26, 2006
Cost: $72,163
Cost Per Acre: $20,045
Acres: 3.6
Type: Fee
Bond Category: Community Open Space