Member Groups

The Coalition for Sonoran Desert Protection is an alliance of 32 conservation and neighborhood groups, representing nearly 30,000 people, that formed in February 1998. This includes local associations such as the Tucson Mountains Association, regional groups like the Sky Island Alliance and Tucson Audubon Society, national organizations such as the Sierra Club and Defenders of Wildlife, and organizations with international reach such as Bat Conservation International.  

Are you involved with a local organization that you think would be a good fit to join CSDP? Please contact our Co-Executive Director, Kathleen Kennedy, at or give her a call at (520) 388-9925. We’d love to hear from you!

Current CSDP member groups:

Arizona Center for Law in the Public Interest

Arizona Master Naturalist Association

Arizona Native Plant Society

Bat Conservation International 

Cascabel Conservation Association

Center for Biological Diversity

Center for Environmental Ethics

Defenders of Wildlife

Desert Watch

Environmental Law Society

Friends of Cabeza Prieta

Friends of Ironwood Forest

Friends of Madera Canyon

Friends of Saguaro National Park

Friends of Tortolita

Gates Pass Area Neighborhood Association

Genius Loci Foundation

Great Old Broads for Wilderness – Tucson

Native Seeds / SEARCH

Protect Land and Neighborhoods

Safford Peak Watershed Education Team

Save the Scenic Santa Ritas

Sierra Club – Grand Canyon Chapter

Sierra Club – Nopales Group (formerly Rincon Group)

Sky Island Alliance

Southwestern Biological Institute

Tortolita Alliance

Tortolita Homeowners Association

Tucson Audubon Society

Tucson Herpetological Society

Tucson Mountains Association

Wildlands Network