Diamond Bell Ranch

The Diamond Bell Ranch is located almost entirely within a Priority Conservation Area for the endangered Pima Pineapple Cactus. It contains a healthy population of the cactus and contains a large portion of the mitigation bank proposed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife service for this endangered species. The Ranch also contains medium to high quality habitat for eight priority vulnerable species, including the Swainson’s hawk, California leaf-nosed bat, desert box turtle, and the ground snake. Both Biological Core and Multiple Use Management Areas are present on the property.

Date Acquired: March 14, 2008

Cost: $897,730

Cost Per Acre: $4,700

Acres: 30,893 (191 fee, 29,904 State grazing lease, 798 BLM grazing lease)

Type: Fee and grazing lease

Bond Category: Habitat Protection Priority