A-7 Ranch

On September 13, 2004 Pima County purchased the A-7 Ranch. The Ranch is located in the Redington Pass/San Pedro River area and was purchased to protect a large natural landscape and wildlife corridor from the Galiuro Mountains to the Catalina Mountains.

Biological Core Areas of the Conservation Lands System. Priority Conservation Areas for the needle-spined pineapple cactus, longfin dace, lowland leopard frog, giant spotted whiptail, Abert’s towhee, Bell’s vireo, southwestern willow flycatcher, western yellow-billed cuckoo, Mexican long-tongued bat, lesser long-nosed bat, western yellow bat, and Merriam’s mouse occur on the property. The San Pedro River, identified as one of the ten most endangered rivers in the U.S. by non-profit American Rivers, borders the property on the east.

Date Acquired: September 15, 2004

Cost: $2,041,933

Cost Per Acre: $299

Acres: 39828 (6828 fee / 33000 grazing lease)

Bond Category: Habitat Protection Priority