Action Alert: Talking Points for Oro Valley Town Council Meeting Tomorrow
On Wednesday, June 15th, the Oro Valley Town Council will consider action to rescind its opposition to Rosemont Mine. The Town Council meeting will be held at 6:00pm at 11000 N La Cañada Drive.
We need your support! We still don’t yet know if the Mayor will allow a public hearing, so we need to fill the room. We need to show Oro Valley that this is a regional issue, and they will also be negatively impacted if this proposal goes forward.
If the public is not given the opportunity to speak in reference to this item, we will make certain that a designate speaks to the Town Council during the general call to the public.
If you would like to contact Council Members, especially if you know one of the Council Members personally, please do so. Share a short message about why you are opposed to the mine and encourage them to continue their opposition to this mining proposal. We have included some talking points below.
Talking Points for Oro Valley Town Council
Rosemont mine operations would*:
Result in the loss of thousands of acres of wildlife habitat.
Increase habitat fragmentation and reduce habitat connectivity.
Approximately double wildlife-vehicle collisions along SR83 by year 20 of operation.
Impact up to 95,000 acres of habitat due to excessive noise, vibration, and light.
Impact habitat for 29 of Pima County’s Priority Vulnerable Species.
Impact habitat for 14 endangered, threatened, and candidate species.
Reduce water flow along Davidson Canyon, an Important Riparian Area in Pima County’s Conservation Lands System.
*data taken from the Rosemont Copper Project Deliberative Draft Environmental Impact Statement
For additional talking points, please see those of Coalition member group, Save the Scenic Santa Ritas, available online.
Pima County still has its Rosemont Mine model on display at the Oro Valley Town Library (in the Town of Oro Valley Municipal Complex). This model is viewable to the public during normal library hours. Please visit and see for yourself the habitat destruction that this mine will cause.
If you have any questions about this issue, please feel free to contact the Coalition office via email ( or by phone (520-388-9925)

The Rosemont Valley and site of the proposed pit. Photo courtesy Save the Scenic Santa Ritas.