Email Coalition Supporters May 2010

Coalition for Sonoran Desert Protection

Dear Coalition Supporter,

Remember when Tucson turned into a sleepy little town when the temperature reached 100 degrees? Those days are gone, and we all remain as busy as ever in the summer. Maybe even busier! Hopefully you’ve received our Summer 2010 newsletter which includes updates on some of our major projects and recent achievements.  

We’ve had many successes thanks to the generosity of supporters like you!

Last December, Pima County wildlife linkages received a critical boost when the Regional Transportation Authority funded three wildlife crossings along Oracle Road. In 2012, the Arizona Department of Transportation will begin constructing two wildlife-friendly underpasses and one overpass to help our important wildlife cross Oracle Road safely between the Catalina and Tortolita Mountains.

These wildlife crossings along Oracle Road will be the first of their kind in southern Arizona and the Coalition played a crucial part in their funding!

The crossings are located within the wildlife linkage planned for the Arroyo Grande development. The State Land Department and the Town of Oro Valley have completed a plan for this area; with the Coalition’s help, a 1-km wide wildlife linkage was designed to provide undisturbed open space for wildlife movement. We also assisted Pima County with the purchase of important open space parcels adjacent to the crossings.

The pieces of this wildlife linkage project are falling into place and we are proud of our work to protect a safe place for wildlife movement between the Catalina and Tortolita Mountains.
Of course, we also continue our work on many other projects around Pima County, all centered on the values of the Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan. This includes open space bond funding, the development of habitat conservation plans by local jurisdictions, riparian habitat protection, addressing invasive species, and so much more! We are also exploring new project areas that need our attention. The Coalition has recently been working with Pinal County residents to plan for habitat and linkage protection in important areas north of our county border. We are optimistic and excited about this new effort.

Please invest in the Sonoran Desert by making a gift of $500, $250, $100, $50 or whatever you can give!

By giving to the Coalition, you’re giving to our Sonoran Desert. Your dollars go directly to ensuring that the Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan uses the best science available to identify and preserve lands, protect critical habitats and direct development to less biologically sensitive areas.

We need your support to continue our success in all these conservation efforts and to ensure the vision of the Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan is fully realized throughout the region!

As I reflect on our work each time I write to you, our supporters, I am overwhelmed by the thought that I live and work in the most beautiful place on earth. The Sonoran Desert is a place worth fighting for. I know you agree, and I hope you will continue your generous support of our work.

Please Donate Now at:

Carolyn Campbell
Executive Director

Checks can be made out to: CSDP and sent to:
300 E. University Blvd. Suite 120, Tucson, AZ 85705

All donations made to the Coalition are tax deductible to fullest extent allowable by law

Our Mission
The Coalition’s mission is to achieve the long-term conservation of the biological diversity and ecological function of the Sonoran Desert through comprehensive land-use planning.

Coalition for Sonoran Desert Protection

300 E University Blvd, Suite #120
Tucson, AZ 85705
+1 520-388-9925

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