You have made a real, positive difference for one of the most biodiverse ecosystems in the world.
Thank you for your generosity and your support of Sonoran Desert wildlife, protected wildlife linkages, healthy habitats, clean water and air, and so much more. Because of you, the Sonoran Desert is one step closer to being a protected and connected ecosystem for wildlife and people.
Interested in volunteering and learning more about the impact of your donation?
We have regular volunteer opportunities, including:
- our community science-based Wildlife Camera Project (which includes both field and in-office options for volunteer work);
- quarterly highway clean-ups along Oracle Road near Catalina State Park;
- “mailing parties” where we stuff envelopes, chat, and eat yummy food;
- the Desert Fence Busters who remove old barbed wire fencing to increase opportunities for safe wildlife movement;
- our Desert Wildlife Crossing Crew that is improving wildlife habitat on the Oracle Road wildlife crossings in 2023-2024;
- And more!
Please let us know if any of these opportunities interest you and sign up on our volunteer interest form today.
As one of our donors, you will receive:
- Our weekly e-newsletter, A Dose of Desert Joy
- Our monthly e-newsletter, The Desert Scoop
- Regular email Action Alerts and event announcements
- Our bi-annual print newsletter, the Friends of the Desert.
You can also keep up with all the latest Coalition news by following our Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube accounts. And you can tailor your email subscription settings at any time.
Is there a Sonoran Desert issue that particularly interests you or you are concerned about?
Please take this brief three-question survey to share your views — we’d love to hear from you.
Would you like a Coalition for Sonoran Desert Protection logo sticker?
We love it when our donors want to represent us, whether it’s on your favorite water bottle, reusable coffee mug, laptop, or the back of your car. Enter your information at the bottom of the page and we’ll get one in the mail to you (for free!) ASAP.
Thank you again for your donation. We are grateful and humbled by your generosity and will be using your donation wisely and strategically for the most effective Sonoran Desert conservation.
For the desert,

Kathleen, Kate, Jessica, and Jonni
For a free Coalition sticker, fill in your details below!