Do you want to speak up for more sustainable transportation in Pima County and advocate for wildlife friendly infrastructure? Pima Association of Governments (PAG) has recently started work on its long term 2045 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). PAG needs public feedback to guide this plan via an online survey. Now is your chance to provide input! The survey is open until mid-March.

Find more information about the 2045 RTP and access the survey! The survey is available until mid-March.
When complete, the 2045 RTP will identify goals, challenges, performance targets and projects for our region over the next 30 years, guiding how transportation funds are spent in this community. Elements include public transportation, bikeways and sidewalks, road maintenance, land use, and more. The survey provides sections where you can provide your own suggestions for how important habitat and wildlife corridors can be preserved, such as building wildlife crossings! With a growing population, it’s more important than ever to speak up for responsible transportation decisions that protect the integrity of the Sonoran Desert and maintain healthy wildlife populations. We hope you will take a few moments to complete the survey and let your voice be heard!