Pima County is currently gathering public input as part of the Comprehensive Plan update. Pima Prospers is holding a series of community meetings to more effectively plan for the future and incorporate public opinion into the planning process.

Find more information and a calendar of all Pima Prospers events. Don’t miss the remaining public meetings!
The Comprehensive Plan guides Pima County regarding growth, land use, economic development, and more. The Comprehensive Plan includes the Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan (SDCP), which provides guidelines for land use in ecologically important areas. The SDCP is vital to preserving open space and habitat for sensitive and unique species. Over 200,000 acres have been protected so far with the implementation of the SDCP!
Do you have suggestions or comments for a future vision of Pima County? Then let your voice be heard! Voice your support for continued implementation of the Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan! And anything from land use, economic development, transportation, and environmental concerns can be voiced at these public gatherings. These meetings are interactive and a great way to become involved in the update.
There are seven community meetings that will be held before the end of the year:
- December 2, 6-7:30pm, at the Nanini Library on the northwest side
- December 3, 6-7:30pm, at Empire High School Library in Vail
- December 5, 10-11:30am, at Cow Palace in Arivaca
- December 5, 5:30-7pm, at The Journey, an Evangelical Free Church in the Catalina Foothills area
- December 9, 5:30-7pm, at Sam Lena Library
- December 10, 6-7:30pm, at TV Lutheran Church in the Tanque Verde area
- December 11, 5:30-7pm, at Drexel Heights Baptist Church
Can’t make it to the meetings? Don’t worry! You can still participate in the process online by clicking here. Let’s take an active role in shaping the future of Pima County!