Photo by Tom Vezo, courtesy Save the Scenic Santa Ritas
On January 18th, 2012, the Coalition for Sonoran Desert Protection submitted its comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Rosemont Copper Project to Jim Upchurch, Forest Supervisor for the Coronado National Forest, US Forest Service. These comments focus on the Coalition’s mission of protecting Pima County’s rich biological resources through comprehensive land-use planning, and specifically an analysis of possible conflicts between the proposed action and the Pima County Comprehensive Land Use Plan, a topic sorely lacking in details in the DEIS. The Coalition also provided brief comments on the potential socioeconomic impacts from the Rosemont Copper Project as presented in the DEIS. Download/view the Coalition comments below:
Coalition Comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Rosemont Copper Project (.pdf)
Additionally, the Coalition supported the comprehensive and detailed comments submitted by Save the Scenic Santa Ritas, et al. regarding the DEIS (Save the Scenic Santa Ritas is a Coalition member group)
Save the Scenic Santa Ritas et al. Comments submitted to the Forest Service
If you would like to download the “letter” it is available to be downloaded, in sections, from the Save the Scenic Santa Ritas website:
Final comment letter submitted by Save the Scenic Santa Ritas, et al. (2.1 MB)
Appendices (235 MB)