The Forest Service Needs Your Comments About the Impacts of the Proposed Rosemont Mine
You now have the opportunity to comment on the adverse environmental and economic impacts of the proposed Rosemont Mine in the Santa Rita Mountains. The Forest Service has just released the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the proposed mine.
"Now is the time for Arizonans to let the Forest Service know why we oppose the mine."
“This is a crucial opportunity for public engagement that could lead to the Forest Service requiring more studies before it decides whether to allow Rosemont to destroy more than 3,500 acres of public lands,” says Gayle Hartmann, president of Save the Scenic Santa Ritas, a broad-based citizen’s group opposed to the mining project and member of the Coalition for Sonoran Desert Protection.
At the end of the 90-day comment period, the Forest Service will consider these comments and address them prior to issuing the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS).
Making it Easy to Comment! Comment Writing Workshop: Nov 16th, 6:30pm Grace St. Paul Episcopal Church, 2331 E Adams
In addition to the Forest Service sponsored public meetings (see list at right) Save the Scenic Santa Ritas will be holding a series of workshops to help people write comments. The first of these workshops will be on Wed, Nov. 16, 6:30 p.m. at Grace St. Paul Episcopal Church, 2331 E. Adams (4 blocks N. of Speedway, between Campbell and Tucson, parking on street and behind the church).
***The October 22nd and January 7th meetings will be rescheduled***
Rosemont DEIS Public Meeting Schedule ***revised***
November 12, 2011, 1pm to 5pm Palo Verde High School, 1302 S. Avenida Vega, Tucson, AZ
November 19, 2011, 1pm to 5pm Empire High School, 10701 E. Mary Ann Cleveland Way, Tucson, AZ
December 7, 2011, 5:30pm to 8pm Benson High School, 360 S. Patagonia Street, Benson, AZ
December 10, 2011, 1pm to 5pm Elgin Elementary School, HC1 Box 36, Elgin, AZ
Your feedback is needed to shape the future of transportation in Arizona. Federal and state transportation agencies are preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for high capacity transit options (e.g. rail) between Tucson and Phoenix.
The EIS will identify and analyze elements of the natural, built, and social environment that may be affected by the proposed project. The agencies will assess the potential range of impacts that could occur in each corridor being considered.
Are there aspects of the environment that should be analyzed in the EIS? This current scoping period is the best time for you to provide feedback.
Public Meetings to Comment on Tucson Water Service Area Policy
One of the policy outcomes of the City/County Water and Wastewater Study was the City’s formal adoption of a Water Service Area Policy in August of 2010. The Water Service Area Policy establishes a water service boundary for Tucson Water based on economic, social and environmental considerations as recommended in the Study.
The City is in the process of conducting its first annual review of the Policy to determine if refinements are needed. City staff and Tucson Water’s Citizens Water Advisory Committee (CWAC) are requesting public and stakeholder comment as part of this review process. Comments may be provided in the following ways:
2. Attend either of two public meetings to hear a presentation on the Policy, ask questions of staff, and provide comments.
Thursday, October 20, 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., Ward 6 Council Office Conference Room, 3202 E. 1st Street OR Monday, October 24, 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., Mesquite Room at Reid Park, 900 S. Randolph Way
Native Seeds/SEARCH Joins Our Coalition!
The Coalition for Sonoran Desert Protection is pleased to announce the addition of a new member group, Native Seeds/SEARCH. With this latest addition, our Coalition now represents 40 international, national, and local environmental and community organizations. Our member groups contribute expertise and experience and strengthen our ability to advocate for the Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan and habitat conservation planning efforts across the region.
SEED SCHOOL – October 30th – November 4, 2011 at the NS/S Conservation Center – 3584 E. River Road, Tucson, AZ Join NS/S Executive Director Bill McDorman and special guests for a 6-day immersion into a new regional and sustainable seed production and distribution system. Seed School is for gardeners, farmers, herbalists, nurseries, CSAs, nonprofits, government agencies and anyone else concerned with regional, sustainable and diverse agriculture
GRAIN SCHOOL – January 8th – 13th, 2012 at the NS/S Conservation Center – 3584 E. River Road, Tucson, AZ Grain School is the important link in our transition to a more local and sustainable food system. Scaling your operation to a manageable size, sourcing, planting, growing, harvesting, cleaning, storage and milling will all be addressed. Learn the history, philosophy and genetics as well as the practical applications of growing, harvesting and milling heritage grains.
Your donation will go directly to ensuring that Sonoran Desert habitat planning efforts use the best science available to identify and preserve lands, to protect critical habitats and to direct development to less biologically sensitive areas.
Our Mission The Coalition’s mission is to achieve the long-term conservation of the biological diversity and ecological function of the Sonoran Desert through comprehensive land-use planning, with primary emphasis on Pima County’s Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan.
Coalition for Sonoran Desert Protection | 300 E University Blvd #120 | Tucson, AZ 85705 | 520-388-9925